A family business in the making.
Deschamps Upholstery started 35 years ago when without realising I, Allan Deschamps, was given an employment card which I didn’t understand headed ‘trainee upholsterer’.Three years later after ripping out furniture, sweeping floors and making tea I put down the tea strainer and picked up a webbing strainer and the real training began.
With a tack hammer in hand the ambition and pride in upholstery was ignited.Learning my trade working on domestic and commercial projects world wide, the following decades were spent honing my skills and craft to produce high quality upholstered furniture.

With the current situation and Covid 19 restrictions the chance presented itself to go it alone and pursue a life long dream to create a family run business.
Enter Hannah Deschamps, ‘The Wife’ who is taking up the reins to travel the country with her keen eye to hunt out forgotten gems for salvage and up-cycle.
On to Madelaine Deschamps ‘The Daughter’.With her previous experience within the marketing industry and her social media know how, Maddy has the business savvy, creativity and energy to drive this new venture forward.
In the wings and being trained for the future is Max Deschamps ‘The Son’.
Finally Allan Deschamps ‘The Daddy’,after first picking up a tack hammer in 1985 I have been learning my trade. Gaining experience, improving and fine tuning my skills and craftsmanship to create enviable, high quality furniture to last for generations.